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Call for an appointment today

Dr James Kirrane 

Dr Martha McGann

Nurse Holly Breay

Call Dana 01 834 3932 to book an appointment now.


The surgery runs by appointment only.


Our practice telephone can become extremely busy throughout the day, and in particular in the morning. During a busy period, the Receptionist may place you on hold and your call will be dealt with in rotation. We aim to answer all calls as quickly and efficiently as possible and appreciate your patience and understanding during busy times. If the phone line is engaged or you are waiting on hold for a long period, do please call back.

If you are calling for general information, blood/test results, repeat prescriptions or in relation to other general requests, please call after 11.00am as the practice is extremely busy during the first period of the day.

If you are calling in relation to blood/test results, please call in the afternoon if at all possible to ensure that the doctor has time to check and review the results. It is practice policy not to interrupt patient consultations with phone calls. We ask that patients respect this policy and understand that each patient consultation deserves the uninterrupted attention of the doctor.


We operate an Appointment-only surgery to reduce waiting times and facilitate patients. We kindly ask that you make an appointment as soon as possible, when you decide you need to see the doctor. While we understand that your health is not always predictable, we ask that you please give as much notice as possible when making an appointment to see the doctor. We offer appointments to patients Monday to Friday 8.30am to 12.00pm and 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm. Thursday at the moment is a half day. We are doing face-to-face appointments as well as phone consultations. If you have any Covid symptoms the doctor will call you first to assess your needs.

We do our best to facilitate patient appointments as requested, however it may not always be possible to give you an appointment at your preferred time.

Please note that we cannot facilitate patients without an appointment (Walk Ins), in the interests of the health and safety of all patients and staff.

If you need to cancel your appointment, please call and let us know as soon as possible so that we may offer the appointment to another patient.

For out-of-hours Urgent Care appointments (not for routine visits) , please contact D-Doc at 0818 22 44 76 and in the case of emergency, please go to your nearest hospital Emergency Department or call 999/112.


Patients who are on regular medications need to be seen by the doctor at least every six months. This is in accordance with best practice guidelines for patients on long-term medications.

It may be possible for the doctor to issue a Repeat Prescription without a face-to-face consultation, where the doctor judges that it is safe/medically appropriate to do so (for example if you have recently been seen). In this case, a minimum of 48 hours notice is required to request a Repeat Prescription, in order to give the doctor time to assess the request and to issue the prescription. Repeat Prescriptions cannot be issued by Reception Staff. If you are calling to the surgery or telephoning to request a Repeat Prescription, please ensure you give exact details of the medications required.

Prescriptions are emailed down to your chemist of choice, please don't forget to let us know if you have changed chemists.

Prescription can also be ordered on the contact form on this site.

We try and avoid overuse of antibiotics as best practice and antibiotics do not work on viruses.


Social Welfare Certs and sick notes

In order to claim Social Welfare benefits during an illness, patients must be seen in the practice by a doctor. Patients that are absent from work for six or more working days are entitled to claim social welfare (Illness Benefit). See the DSP - Department of Social Protection by clicking button.

A patient must be assessed by the doctor during consultation and an initial social welfare certificate will be provided. You will be asked to provide your PPS number and the exact dates for the social welfare certificate. Patients absent for work for more than 1 week may receive weekly certs if medically appropriate. When the patient is fit to go back to work, after being seen by the doctor, a final social welfare cert will be issued.

Social Welfare Certs are sent electronically by us straight to DSP.

For patients on continuing / long-term social welfare certs, it may be necessary for the doctor to see you a number of times to re-assess your condition. You will be advised to make an appointment in this case before a further social welfare cert can be issued.

Sick notes for work can be issued at request and picked up from reception if not given at the time by the doctor.

Registering with the practice


If you wish to become a patient of North Road Family Practice, please call into Reception during Practice Hours. You will be asked to complete a registration form, outlining your personal details and an overview of your medical history. If your application has been accepted, we will ask you to attend for registration with the nurse and then you can make an appointment to see the doctor. You will also be given a form to sign to release your records from your previous GP. 

You can also print off the registration form, fill it in and bring in to Dana, she will pass it on to Dr Kirrane for a decision and she will contact you as soon as a decision has been made.

Abusive and inappropriate behaviour

Verbal abuse or aggressive behavior towards staff or other patients is not tolerated at our practice. Staff are here to help and work to practice policies and procedures. We ask that you respect them and other patients.

If you have an issue to raise, please do so in a reasonable manner and/or request a Complaints Form if you wish to make a complaint.

If you are verbally abusive, aggressive or shouting, you will be asked to leave the premises, and the Gardaí may be contacted.

Patients who are abusive to staff will be removed from the patient list of this practice, whether GMS, DVC or private patients. All our phone calls are recorded.

North Road Family Practice


Tel: 01 834 3932

All the details/links/leaflets provided on this site, are for your information only and do not replace advice from a medical professional

If you find there is anything incorrect or any forms or sites do not open please do not hesitate to contact Holly on 01 8343932 or on the contact page.

OPEN: Monday - Friday 08:30 am - 12:30 pm 1:30 pm - 5 pm,
Closed for lunch 12:30-1:30 pm


D-DOC- 0818 22 44 76

(Emergency out of hours)

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