North Road Family Practice
Tel:01 834 3932
OPEN: Monday to Friday - 8:30 am - 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm - 5 pm
Closed for lunch 12:30-1:30 pm daily
Some appointments may be arranged from 8 am on occasions
We are not open at weekends

Call for an appointment today
Dr James Kirrane
Dr Martha McGann
Nurse Holly Breay
Tel: 01 834 3932
Baby Health
2 week baby check
6 week baby check
There is also a full check for baby at 6 weeks at your GP unless told otherwise.
As part of your combined antenatal care there is a 2 week check for your baby at your GP's unless the hospital have asked you to return to them.
Baby vaccinations are very important to prevent diseases and also stop the spread of disease to others. There are 5 visits in total to your GP/Practice nurse.
1 - 6-1, Men B, PCV, Rotavirus (2 months)
2 - 6-1 and Men B, Rotavirus (4 months)
3 - 6-1, Men C and PCV (6 months)
4 - MMR and Men B (12 months)
5 - Men C/Hib and PCV (13 months)
This present regime is given to all babies born after October 2016
6-1 - (Tetanus/Diphtheria/whooping cough/polio/Influenza type B, Hep B)
Men C - (Menigitis type C)
HIB - (Influenza type B)
Men B - (Meningitis type B)
MMR - (Measles/Mumps/Rubella)
PCV - (Pneumococcal)
BCG - Only given now to at-risk children
Rotavirus (oral) - Main cause of gastritis is babies/children
Mile Stones
Find out what and when your baby should, crawl, walk, talk, reach for items... etc
Info on baby health
From colic to nappy rash, measles to teething.
The main reason for not bringing your baby for vaccines is if they have a temperature or chesty cough, if concerned call and speak to our nurse and she will advise you.