North Road Family Practice
Tel:01 834 3932
OPEN: Monday to Friday - 8:30 am - 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm - 5 pm
Closed for lunch 12:30-1:30 pm daily
Some appointments may be arranged from 8 am on occasions
We are not open at weekends

Call for an appointment today
Dr James Kirrane
Dr Martha McGann
Nurse Holly Breay
Keeping active
Heart Health
Blood Pressure
Useful links
Flu season
Flu seasons runs from October to April every year.
Anyone over 65 or with a chronic illness should get the flu vaccine every year. For full criteria click on Flu info.
Vaccines are available in the surgery from early October through to April. The earlier you get the vaccine the more protection you will get over the winter months.
Pneumonia vaccine
The Pneumonia vaccine is recommended for those over 65 and with chronic illness. Only one dose is needed after age 65 and one dose before unless your consultant wants you to have it more frequently. They are available all year round. Ask the nurse if not sure.