North Road Family Practice
Tel:01 834 3932
OPEN: Monday to Friday - 8:30 am - 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm - 5 pm
Closed for lunch 12:30-1:30 pm daily
Some appointments may be arranged from 8 am on occasions
We are not open at weekends

Call for an appointment today
Dr James Kirrane
Dr Martha McGann
Nurse Holly Breay
Call 01 834 3932 to book an appointment now.
The surgery runs by appointment only.

Dr James Kirrane
Dr James Kirrane is our Principal GP since 2011. Dr Kirrane has a special interest in GP training and has been a board member of
the Finglas Addiction Treatment Service
since 2016.

Nurse Holly Breay
Holly joined the practice in 2014 as a Practice Nurse and also does practice management. She trained and worked in the UK and Australia before settling in Ireland in 1998. After a stint in the Mater hospital she became a Practice Nurse in 2001.

Dr Martha McGann
Dr Martha McGann joined us in October 2021.
She has been a wonderful addition to our
team. Martha has a special interest in mental health, women health and pediatrics.

Reception Dana Onose
Dana joined the practice in 2019 and became our full-time receptionist when Vera retired in 2020.

Reception Audrey Finn
Audrey joined the practice in 2024 as a part time receptionist