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Call for an appointment today

Dr James Kirrane 

Dr Martha McGann

Nurse Holly Breay

Tel: 01 834 3932

Womens Health




We cater for both Private and CervicaCheck screening at our surgery.

CervicalCheck is a free screening service for cervical screening for women between 25 and 65. An HPV sample is taken. Please see below additional information on the HPV Virus.

Ideally, a patient will need to be in their mid-cycle 10-14 days after the first day of the bleed if your cycle is regular. If you have an irregular cycle or are post-menopausal, please make your appointment at any time when there is no bleeding.

For more info call 1800 45 45 55 or go to (click button above)


BreastCheck is a free breast screening for women between 50-69. You are invited for a mammogram approximately every two years.

For more information or to check you are registered and your details are correct call 1800 45 45 55 or check online at 


HPV vaccination is given to all girls and boys age 12 in secondary school.

HPV stand for Human Papillomavirus is part of a group of over 100 viruses. Most people will get HPV over their lifetime from sexual activity. Most of these infections do not need treating but they can cause genital herpes, oral cancers, anal cancers, and for some women change the cells of the cervix which could lead to cervical cancer.


Advise, testing and referral available.


We provide a full overview on the contraception available to each patient depending on their medical history and personal choice. This includes but is not limited to repeat prescriptions, injection, Implanon, counseling, insertion, and removal and infomation on the coil and referral details.


There is now free contraception for 17-35-year-olds, you do not need a medical card just your pps number. To avail of this service, you need to be a

  • a woman or person with a uterus  

  • aged between 17 to 35 living in Ireland


Please talk to one of our doctors if you feel you are struggling with symptoms of menopause. See the sites below for info on peri menopause, HRT, women health issues.

Feel free to print off and fill in the menopause symptom assessment form before seeing the doctor and bring it with you.

Maternity Care Services


Breast feeding 

Antenatal classes

Unplanned Pregnancy


Breast feeding video 

Female Cancers

Breast Cancer



Breast self exam

North Road Family Practice


Tel: 01 834 3932

All the details/links/leaflets provided on this site, are for your information only and do not replace advice from a medical professional

If you find there is anything incorrect or any forms or sites do not open please do not hesitate to contact Holly on 01 8343932 or on the contact page.

OPEN: Monday - Friday 08:30 am - 12:30 pm 1:30 pm - 5 pm,
Closed for lunch 12:30-1:30 pm


D-DOC- 0818 22 44 76

(Emergency out of hours)

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